Saturday 15 October 2011

Early years......

Well going back to memories the house we had moved to when I was around 5 was a 3 storey house and me and my younger sister (who had been born the year after me) shared an attic bedroom with a dormer window.

I remember this house as it was on a long street and we had a small back yard, I dont remember much else except that the steps to our bedroom were next to the bathroom. The stairs creaked a lot and this made us scared especially at night when it was dark, infact we were so scared that if we woke and needed the loo we were that petrified we would wee on the floor next to the radiator...... it would dry so no-one knew.

Or so we thought of course my mum soon found out and we were given a severe telling off....I still wouldnt go to the toilet at night though.

We lived in this house for many years - I dont remember any other specific incidents or times at the house, until I was probably around 9 or ten, to be entirely honest I cannot say how old I was but I remember we had friends that lived further along the street and we used to play out with them (so i must have been old enough to be allowed out alone). We used to play in a large area that was covered in grass and trees and when you went through it to the top it brought you out near a little church.

I dont ever think of my family as being religous but we did go to sunday school every sunday, in a room at the back of the church and I remember that we had to learn psalms - if we could recite it off by heart we were given aero chocolate as a reward...:) of course I knew them all.

This is really when any memories I have started but they are still very sketchy and quite far apart, some of them have years missing inbetween.

I loved sunday school I must have done I went every week, I also remember whenever it was Christian Aid week we used to go round the local houses handing out the little envelopes then a couple of weeks later go back round collecting them back in.

I remember the little local shop that was like garage size and stood at the bottom of a garden, if we were lucky and did things to help people we would earn 10p which got you a nice bag of sweets..
I got a paper round at this shop some years later and had to delivery papers every morning before school, I cant remember what I got paid but it wasnt a lot I do know that.

There was also a working mens club not far from our house and my dad would always go on a sunday to drink and play cards/dominos. Often we would go and hang about outside and if we saw someone going in we would ask them to tell dad we wanted him. On occassions he would bring us a pkt of crisps and a bottle of pop.

I then remember that we were told we were moving to another house which was on the top road - one of the big houses...... we were going up in the world

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